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Second Amendment


As a steadfast supporter of the second amendment, you can count on me to fight restrictions on your Constitutional right to own a firearm and defend yourself, your family, and your home.


Border Security 


I will work hand in glove with Governor Abbott to secure our border. It is vital that we protect our Texas communities from human traffickers and drug smugglers who will stop at nothing to make a buck. We must ensure that our communities are safe. I’m proud to be endorsed by leaders in law enforcement and will always work to make sure they have the resources they need to protect our communities.


Pro Life


I am 100% committed to defending the sanctity of life, and that will never change! Human life is a beautiful gift from God. It's our duty to cherish and protect human life from conception to natural death.


Cut Property Taxes 


Un-elected bureaucrats who are not accountable to the people should not be allowed to stand in the way of tax relief. As a business owner, I know how hard it can be to survive in this economy. As your State Representative, I will always be a champion of fiscal responsibility and a fighter for property tax savings!


Banning Land Ownership by Bad Actor Countries


Farms are an integral part of our history and economy — our land is sacred. Yet, special interest groups are destroying it through excessive regulations and exploitation. We must defend the hardworking farmers and ranchers who feed our nation. As your champion, I will advocate for pro-agricultural legislation that eliminates unjust ordinances, expands farming resources, and blocks foreign governments from purchasing Texas land. This soil belongs to you.


Stopping the Woke Agenda


It is essential that we protect our children from radical leftist ideology. I won't stand for gender modification and puberty blockers being used on minors, students don't need to be exposed to pornographic material in their school libraries, and our daughters shouldn't be forced to compete against men pretending to be girls. We can and should be doing more to protect our children from predators online. As State Representative, our kids and their safety will always come first. 





When it comes to our kids and their education, we should take an all-hands-on-deck approach. EVERY option should be on the table. We should always fully fund and support our rural public schools. In many instances, these schools are the cornerstone of our communities, and as a former school board member, I know that our schools strive to provide an excellent education. At the same time, we must empower parents to choose the best way to educate their kids, whether that be in the public schools, public charter schools, private schools, or home schools. That is why I fully support Governor Abbott's Education Savings Account Program that delivers meaningful school choice for families. The Governor's plan also increases pay for our public school teachers and sends more money to our local school districts. Finally, we must support our retired school teachers and ensure they receive the pension we promised them while they were in the classroom.

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